Climate Adaptation Library Action 3: Final Report on “Recommendations to the ERDF Operational Programmes (OPs) to improve the accessibility of municipalities to these funds" is out About the report As part of the Urban Agenda for the EU, the Climate Adaptation Partnership has been working to improve legislation,…
Climate Adaptation Library Action K3 : The final compilation document on training academy for politicians is out! The Partnership on Climate Adaptation is proud to present the final compilation document from its Action K3, 'Political training on climate…
Climate Adaptation Library Summary of the second Local Training Academy on Urban Climate Change Adaptation .
Climate Adaptation Library Background Note for Local Training Academy on Urban Climate Change Adaptation - Genoa - 26 November 2019 .
Climate Adaptation Library First political Training Academy of the Climate Adaptation Partnership: Slides from the Oslo training .
Climate Adaptation Library A local approach to the global climate crisis On 19 June, the first local training academy was held in Glasgow to discuss climate change adaptation and local government’s role in…