Data Platforms and Data Spaces


Part of CONNECT University Autumn School on Online Platforms Ecosystem

Promoting Data Sharing via online platforms: legislative activities and technological developments.

The Commission has been promoting fair and trust-based sharing and re-use of data for some years by means of policy, legislation and funding. We are now facing the important moment when the legal framework for data sharing is becoming complete, with first of their kind legislations such as the Data Act and Data Governance Act, and large scale deployment of data sharing technologies and best practices through Common European Data Spaces.

•    Why data and data sharing matters?
•    EC policy and law on data sharing (Data Act, but also Open data directive, Data Governance Act)
•    Key aspects of data sharing : data governance – interoperability – standardization.
•    Data sharing in practice: Common European Data Spaces
•    Data sharing in practice: Portfolio of actions supported by funding programmes
•    Key challenges (legal, organizational, technical), next steps
•    Q&A, discussion

•    Szymon Lewandowski, Policy Officer for Data Policies, CNECT G1
•    Gianfranco Cecconi, Capgemini, Rep. Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC)
•    Kimmo Rossi, Head of Sector for Data Research and Innovation, CNECT G1

Data Platforms and Data Spaces
Data Platforms and Data Spaces
data data sharing data governance interoperability Data spaces