Towards a better cross-border health cooperation between Belgium and Luxembourg

On 31st August 2021, under the initiative of the Interreg VA Greater Region’s COSAN project, the Health Ministers of Belgium and Luxembourg signed a Declaration of Intent for a Health Cooperation Framework Agreement between both countries. It builds on the results of the COSAN project ( and the different initiatives developed under the Interreg programmes in the Greater Region area to promote cross-border healthcare.

In a common declaration, both ministers committed to:

  • Improving access to healthcare for populations residing in border areas
  • Reinforcing the performances of both healthcare system by pooling resources and knowledge to provide better health services
  • Sharing good practices between care professionals

In addition to the objectives mentioned above, cross-border cooperation in the field of health provides a response to the problem of shortages of health professionals in rural areas, and overall strengthen the attractiveness of the territory.

This declaration paves the way for more systemic and structured coordination and solidarity of the two health systems, which should be developed in a future framework agreement. In the Greater Region, this type of agreement already exists between Belgium and France, and between France and Germany.

It is an outstanding outcome for the Interreg community, as it’s precisely one of its main aim to embed cross-border cooperation in the practice of mainstream programmes.   

For more information, watch the press conference videos:

