ITEM Annual Conference 2023 - Infrastructure and Mobility: 'Strong connections with neighbouring countries towards a sustainable and livable society across the border'


County Hall province of Zuid-Holland, The Hague
Provinciehuis Zuid-Holland, The Hague
2514 BT Den Haag

ITEM annual conference 2023

On November 17th, 2023, (09:30-17:30) the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and mobility invites you to their annual conference. 
Hosted by the province of Zuid-Holland, the conference takes place at the county hall in The Hague.

By attending this conference you will: 

  • Explore European transport corridors and their role in sustainability, focusing on key infrastructure like pipelines, hydrogen ports, and rail.
  • Analyze successful cross-border cooperation practices, including the Benelux, Eurodelta, La Grande Région, and Dutch-Flemish initiatives.
  • Uncover how borders impact practical outcomes in infrastructure and mobility, enhancing cross-border projects' outcomes.
  • Examine governance structures and the formation of substantive coalitions to streamline decision-making in cross-border cooperation.
  • Learn how strategic instrument use acts as a catalyst for achieving overarching objectives in cross-border collaboration, driving progress and innovation.

Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to the dialogue on cross-border cooperation and a brighter future. 

conference Cross-border transport