Training the future AI specialists: €70 million from the DIGITAL Europe Programme for new Master courses

The EU will finance new Master programmes and modules in advanced digital technologies including Artificial intelligence. This initiative aims to address the shortage of digital experts on the market and foster European excellence in the education offered in key capacity areas.

The current Call for proposals has a total budget of €70 million and will fund projects to design and deliver tertiary degree education programmes in AI and other advanced technologies. The initiative will also support more interdisciplinary courses that will equip professionals from non-tech disciplines with relevant advanced digital skills in AI and other technologies. The Call targets consortia of universities and other tertiary education institutions with relevant competence and excellence centres and industry.

Two other Calls complement the main one. They will support an advanced digital skills analysis (€2 million) and a preparatory action for the data space for skills (€1 million). These Calls are part of the DIGITAL Europe Programme and its first Work Programme for 2021/2022. They are open to businesses, organisations and public administrations from all over Europe, as well as other countries linked to the DIGITAL Europe Programme.

To learn more and to find potential partners, we invite you to the Info Day and Matchmaking event on 1 December 2021.


You can register here.


Similar partnerships have already joint forces under the 2020 Connecting Europe Facility programme that funded 4 Master courses in artificial intelligence:

  • Master on AI for public services (AI4Gov)
  • Human Centered AI Master
  • Master in AI for Careers in the EU (MAI4CAREU)
  • eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare management (xAIM)

Additional Calls for proposals will be published in the upcoming months. To receive the updates, you can also join the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform Community.

AI AIExcellence AITrust DEP skills AI4Gov HumanCentricAI MAI4CAREU xAIM