Where Does Privacy Go From Here? India v. the GDPR and CCPA



Where Does Privacy Go From Here? India v. the GDPR and CCPA

Webinair - 3 pm London time, 4 pm Brussels time

Join DataGuidance by OneTrust and Sidley Austin LLP for 'Where Does Privacy Go From Here? India v. the GDPR and CCPA' Following the implementation of the GDPR, both California and India introduced data protection legislation containing key provisions for organisations. As data protection continues to develop in these major global economies, an increasing number of organisations are looking to implement global privacy programmes.

During this webinar our expert speakers will discuss:

- The latest developments on India's Data Protection Bill and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA);

- The similarities and differences between the GDPR, India’s Data Protection Bill and the CCPA; and

- Designing global privacy programmes


More info: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/981943447626053900?dm_t=0,0,0…

data protection privacy GDPR AI CCPA India