Interoperability Academy, ISA2 Programme, European Commission

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Ideas and experience:Today we are in an era of unprecedented technological progress, where innovation can be deployed for the service of humans in their desire to improve the state of the world around them. It is becoming evident that digital competences and skills are of upmost importance to progress on interoperability and digital transformation. In particular, to ensure digital sovereignty it is fundamental to equip civil servants with the right skills and competences.

To address this challenge, the ISA2 Programme, European Commission, funded a new action in 2019, the ‘Interoperability Academyin order to equip civil servants with advanced digital skills via educational resources focused on interoperability. The Interoperability Academy will offer specialised training in a structured way via an open and distance-learning platform accessible world-wide, 24/7.   The eLearning platform will be hosted inside a larger pan-European eLearning platform and contain courses which are developed by reusing all the available material generated by ISA/ISA² Programmes and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks. It will also offer a mix of eLearning and face-to-face activities such as seminars, workshops, live webinars and summer/winter schools. In this way, the Interoperability Academy will bridge the digital skills gap across Europe by allowing learners to study a variety of interoperability-related courses anytime (when they want) and anyplace (where they want), increasing educational access and educational choice.


Interested to know more?

Join our Joinup collectionDigital Skills in the public sector, where you can see and share the latest updates about similar initiatives across Europe and beyond, as well as more details about our current project. In the links below you can find more information about the most recently organised webinars:

Interoperability Academy Webinar ”Bridging the digital gaps across Europe together”

Interoperability Academy Webinar “State of Play and the Way Forward”

Digital Governance and Interoperability curriculum / The Interoperability Academy workshop

Contact us: IOP-ACADEMY(at)

ISA2 interoperability eGovernance eLearning Academy reusable solutions digitalization of public sector