Requirements Engineering for AI systems (RE4AI'22)


May I bring your attention on the 3rd edition of a workshop dedicated to the requirements of AI systems :

It runs within a larger scope of requirements engineering (RE) and quality of software systems :

The workshop, however, voluntarily takes a focus on AI systems, where requirements are poorly understood and dealt with, despite the efforts spent by the EU to bring high values to the AI systems, especially based on the AI HLEG reports which are among the incentives of this workshop.

This workshop runs on a long experience about requirements, but still lacks on the AI side. A greater participation of people involved and interested in AI would not only bring more value to this workshop, but also favor cross-fertilisation by bringing RE expertise to the AI domain. Indeed, RE is mainly focused on the interest of all the stakeholders, and thus could foster a better control over what AI systems may provide to the society.

I hope you will find some interest participating to this workshop and share this information with friends and colleagues who may find some interest too.

Kind regards.

Artificial Intellience workshop conference AI Research requirements engineering