Paris Peace Forum: Roundtable discussion “Making AI work for international development”


Palais Brongniart
Central Paris at 16 Place de la Bourse

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools stand to reshape the field of international development, raising questions regarding the appropriateness, efficacy, and ethics of such systems and applications. The introduction of AI into the already complex international development ecosystem necessitates serious consideration of issues related to fairness and equity, explainability and accountability, vendor contracts and procurement, and the limitations of the data sets upon which AI platforms will rely. Perhaps more immediately, a richer understanding of AI’s positive potential for the top challenges of development is also urgently needed.

Through this roundtable, representatives of civil society, academia, governments, and corporations from emerging economies will engage with international development experts and organizational leaders to determine the applications and limitations of AI in their field. This exchange will help identify best practices in applying AI in international development and set out an agenda for further policy-oriented discussions regarding the ethical deployment of automated systems. Team Leader Dr Gianluca Misuraca is a speaker in this roundtable, where representatives of various stakeholders will engage with international development experts to discuss the applications and limitations of AI in their field, to help identify best practices and future policy priorities in ethically and equitably applying AI in development.