Harnessing AI’s power for health


New technologies have had a revolutionary impact on healthcare since the early 1990s. At first complex, costly and limited process developed into an advanced, assimilated and mainstream support of the society with a remarkable value for our health.

From monitoring the impact of policies on population health to technologies that allow people to manage their healthy habits, from mobile health (mHealth) to wearable devices, from telehealth to telemedicine, the power of computing platforms, rapidly developing software and increasing connectivity serve the humankind to improve our lives.

With the use of robotics in healthcare, utilization of machine-learning techniques and software and spread of sophisticated tools that harness the power of AI, the AI is transforming the healthcare sector and the future of public health. As data, analytics and AI drive innovation across the sectors, COVID-19 pandemic additionally triggered acceleration of modelling and predicting demands and solutions, both for diagnosing and for drug development. Intellectual property laws will have to find a way to adapt in order to enable innovation and protect future developments and investments.

At the same time, education, investment, multiplication of effects, equal distribution and development that takes into account safety and security of the citizens are some of the crucial activities that we as a society must undertake when it comes to the AI and the future of health. How can we reach long-lasting results? How can we harness the power of AI for public health and reduce the risks related to the use of new technologies? How can we make sure that developing countries benefit from the rapid technological development equally and meaningfully? What are the implications of the new technologies in the field of intellectual property?

Join Diplo on Wednesday, 3rd November 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 CET.

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