High-level European Housing Webinar in Lisbon (online)


On March 11 2021, from 7-9 pm CET on Facebook, a high-level European Housing webinar is to take place on the occasion of the 97th anniversary of Associação dos Inquilinos Lisbonenses (AIL), a Portuguese member organisation of the International Union of Tenants (IUT), a core action leader of the EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership.

The event will build a bridge between international, European, national and local housing policies at the topical moment of the Portuguese EU presidency.

Featured speakers will include:

  • Marina Gonçalves, Portuguese Secretary of State for Housing
  • Romão Lavadinho, President of the Lisbon Tenants Association
  • Paula Marques, Councilor for Housing at the Lisbon City Council
  • Marie Linder, IUT President
  • Kim van Sparrentak, MEP and rapporteur of the European Parliament Initiative Report “Access to decent housing for all”
  • Leilani Fahra, former UN Rapporteur on the right to housing
  • Saskia Sassen, Sociologist from Columbia University, New York

The event is moderated by Prof. Luis Mendes, board member of AIL and member of the IUT working housing group.

Join the event by live streaming it here



European Housing webinar Associação dos Inquilinos Lisbonenses International Union of Tenants