CBPT study update: Density of cross-border public transport services varies greatly between EU borders

Buses are the dominating mode of cross-border public transport (CBPT) services across EU borders, accounting for about three quarter of all CBPT services. Still, servicedensity varies heavily between different border areas and segments thereof. Density is by far the highest mainly in regions along the German-Swiss, Luxembourg-German, Luxembourg-French, Austrian-German and Dutch borders. Citizens living in these border areas benefit most from cross-border accessibility facilitating their daily life, whether for commuting, shopping, or travelling.

Some border areas benefit from at least some services, but many do not have any CBPT at all. This does not only hold for peripheral regions but also for many border areas in central and eastern Europe. Even some densely populated regions in the Benelux countries do not have any CBPT services. Although CBPT services may not be needed at every single EU border segment, citizens in many border areas would benefit if more services were established.

The next update will offer insights into service provision in view of border area specificities.

The image shows a map of the European borders and depicts the number of CBPT per border segment. It differentiates seven categories, one without any CBPT and six with different numbers of CBPT ranging from 1 to 10, 11 to 25, 26 to 50 etc. The category with the highest number ends at 213 CBPT.