“Jobs across the border” breaking through mental barriers between Denmark and Sweden


“Jobs across the border” is an Interreg project implemented in the cities of Helsingborg (SE) and Helsingör (DK). These neighbouring cities (dived only by the Oresund strait) are highly integrated and share many similar features in terms of culture and administration, besides being well connected via ferries. In this already cohesive environment, the main aim of the project was to eliminate citizens’ mental barriers, usually generated by a lack of information, which prevents them from working across the border.



Helsingborg (SE) and Helsingör (DK)



The project “Jobs across the border” was carried out from 2018 to 2020 and was funded by the Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak programme (€ 1.2 million ERDF)



The project reached 6 000 people who received information or participated in cross-border mobility activities (work fairs with companies of both countries, introduction courses, networking initiatives, etc). Specifically, the following results have been achieved:

  • The establishment of 6 long-lasting networks across the Oresund strait.  
  • The creation of information centres to help people with practical advice about all the necessary documentation and administrative information (taxes, retirement, social security, etc.)  

Furthermore, the “Jobs across the border” project paved the way for a much more ambitious political objective: the creation of a single labour market by 2035.


Additional info:

employment Information services