EIP on AHA achievements: Action group D4 - Age friendly environments

Action Group D4 - Innovation for age friendly buildings, cities and environments

EIP on AHA’s Action groups were (2012-2020) a community of partners committed to work on specific issues related to active and healthy ageing. They did this by sharing their knowledge and expertise with their peers, increasing the added-value of their national and local experience, and identifying gaps that need to be fulfilled at European level. Currently, Futurium is the platform of choice for partners to continue to share their work.

The main objective of the D4 Action Group on Innovation for age-friendly buildings, cities and environments was to bring together partners from all over Europe who are committed to implementing strategies for the creation of age-friendly environments which support the active and healthy ageing of the European population.

This Action Group brought together partners representing around 170 commitments which include regional and local authorities from across the EU, European NGOs, technology providers, research centres, and SMEs.


Download below some of their major achievements (available on the EIP on AHA portal as of October 2021):

  • D4 infographic
  • D4 Good practices compilation
  • Age friendly Tourism
D4 Good practices compilation
(2.52 MB - PDF)
Age-friendly tourism
(834.77 KB - PDF)
EIP on AHA Action Groups