Have a nice day. I ask you to obtain information at the same time as confirming or rebutting the current EU policy and its application with possibilities of using financial mechanisms.
At present, in the east of Slovakia, we solve the current problems of the city until regional scale. The first part focuses on building static transport capacities; and not only in underground parking lots and their connection to integrated urban transport, but the solution of total static transport and to build parking spaces that should be environmentally friendly. Thus, when building up to the mountain, the roof should be green, or the building downwards in the roof underground it is necessary to preserve the green zones. One of of the current cases, which is an unpleasant inheritance from Of the socialist regime in the town of Ťahanovce, is the high population density per square meter. The city district is led by a in population density and population density is the first place. There are several problems, and that lack of parking areas are not arranged land asThe settlement was built for fast. After 20 years, there was a problem that bordered on security. Throughout the day i the night is a problem to park and fluently move around local roads. So security and rescue corps that provides life protection; and property has blocked access and the whole intervention complicates. Thus, in the case of greater gas leakage, or in the case of a terrorist attack, the center of the settlement is located in the school and public facilities is a huge problem to come to the aid. IN within Košice and of the affected parts of the city, with Sídlisko Ťahanovce feeling it, feel this disaster even in other urban areas. Since the city of Košice and the population is growing, growing even number of drivers. The very construction of parking spaces is a big investment event.
Types of problem relate to the reconstruction of local communications and communications 2 a 3 classes. For those who need a rally of generals, these paths are memorials of Socialism and then standardization in 70 years of the 20th century. It is very important road communications that connect to first class journeys and motorways, are used to move goods, services, labor force , and rescue and safety components are arteries that make up the economy that travels for work.
So in Within the framework of the issue, we have found several programs where it is possible to combine new technologies of innovation and innovation at the same time to solve mobility and quality i safety, as some sections are dangerous for pedestrians as well for the drivers themselves. Concerning the use of national projects financed by the European Investment Structural Funds, there are no specific operational programs and nor a relevant call.
Here are some of the programs we found at the same time, and we would like to welcome your recommendation or other suggested solutions.
1 - InnovFin - EU Financing for Innovators - Construction with new technologies and application of new security systems. Whether you are an SME or a large company or research institution, InnovFin can provide the right tool to fund your research and innovation project. Financial instruments InnovFin cover a wide range of loans, guarantees and equity financing type that can be tailored to the needs of innovators. Funding is provided either directly or through a financial intermediary, usually a bank or fund.
InnovFin is available to all eligible users sectors in the EU Member States and associated countries under the EU's Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020 .
To learn more about what InnovFin products are available and who can use them, click here .
2 Traffic Infrastructure Cash Flow Guarantee (LGTT) - The high risk of income in the early stages of public-private partnership transport projects may cause difficulties in obtaining private sector funding. We work to overcome the fears that revenue dependent on transport (tolls, travel, etc.) may not achieve medium-term goals. The Trans-European Transport Network Transaction Loan (LGTT) credit facility may partly cover risks for projects or sub-projects deemed to be joint interests (as defined in Decision No 1692/96 / EC) and revenue from user charges.
The LGTT usually guarantees a maximum of 10% of the old-age debt (in exceptional cases 20%) up to a maximum of EUR 200 million per project under the structured EIB financing rules. When the EIB becomes a creditor, the amounts payable under the LGTT will be put down into another debt. This support significantly improves credit quality and thus supports the reduction of risk margins applied to senior project loans. These savings should exceed the costs of the guarantee to the debtor. This support is available for up to five to seven years after the project is completed. The EIB and the European Commission jointly contributed € 1 billion EUR, which could support up to
20 bill. EUR preferential loans.
For more information, please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/infrastructure/ten-t-guidelines/pr…
3 Urban development support (JESSICA) Integrated, sustainable urban regeneration projects are supported through JESSICA (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in Urban Areas). There are a number of sophisticated financial instruments, including equity investments, loans and guarantees, which offer new opportunities for using the EU Structural Funds.
The main advantages of JESSICA
Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of support from the Structural Funds through "grant-free" financial instruments, thus creating stronger incentives for successful implementation of projects.
Mobilize additional financial resources for public-private partnerships and other urban development projects with a focus on sustainability / recyclability .
Make use of the financial and managerial skills of international financial institutions such as the EIB
EIB involvement in JESSICA is threefold:
Counseling and assistance to national, regional and local authorities in the implementation of the JESSICA program
Promoting the use of urban development funds and best practices across Europe
Acting as a holding fund at the request of the Member States or the Managing Authorities.
These investments are delivered to projects through urban development funds and, if necessary, through holding funds as well. They must be in line with the operational programs of the Structural Funds agreed for the current programming period.
JESSICA is a European Commission (EC) policy initiative that has been developed jointly with the EIB and in cooperation with the European Commission Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) . You can find information about the backgrounds and regulations of this project here .
4. Urban development Urban dimension of cohesion policy
The 2014-2020 period brought the urban dimension into the very heart of cohesion policy. At least 50% of the ERDF resources for this period will be invested in urban areas. In this period, this could be even higher. Approximately € 10 billion from the ERDF will be allocated directly to integrated urban sustainable development strategies. About 750 cities will have the power to implement these integrated urban sustainable development strategies.
Over the 2014-2020 programming period, European cities will benefit even more from EU regional policy:
Urban areas are directly targeted at a few investment priorities European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) . This implies a greater opportunity for sustainable urban mobility, rehabilitation of disadvantaged communities and improvement of research and innovation capacity.
In each EU Member State, at least 5% of the ERDF is allocated to integrated sustainable urban development; its location on the site will be decided and managed by the city authorities.
EUR 371 million is earmarked for innovative activities in the area of sustainable urban development over the course of seven years.
Urban Development Network (UDN) is responsible for reviewing the use of European funds on the ground and for strengthening the sharing of knowledge between cities involved in integrated sustainable urban development and urban innovation actions.
Cities are encouraged to make use of community local development (CLLD), which paves the way for local stakeholders, entrepreneurs, the public sector and civil society to become more involved in the renewal of the urban neighborhood.
Integrated territorial investment can be used to implement area-based strategies that rely on investment in different areas.
the program URBACT III - which functions as a European exchange and education program promoting sustainable urban development - has been financially enhanced and widened, enabling European cities to work together to develop better solutions to urban problems.
tool TAIEX REGIO PEER 2 PEER is designed to share expertise between the authorities that manage funding within European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Cohesion Fund .
5. Urban agenda for the EU
Urban agenda is an integrated and coordinated approach to addressing the urban dimension of EU and Member State policies and legislation. By focusing on specific priority themes within dedicated partnerships, urban agenda seeks to improve the quality of life in urban areas. It is a new working method to ensure maximum use of the urban growth potential and a successful resolution of social problems and aims to foster cooperation between Member States, cities, the European Commission and other stakeholders in order to stimulate growth, viability and innovation in the cities of Europe. Specifically, twelve priority themes of European and city importance are set up in partnerships. Within these partnerships, problems and solutions will be identified through action plans (addressed to the EU, Member States and cities). Action plans will include actions as well as examples of good projects to be extended and transferred across the EU. Actions could include a proposal to amend the EU Directive, propose a new ESIF, strengthen cooperation on common issues, work that worked well and could be increased / transferred, etc.
The EU's urban agenda should lead to better regulation (more efficient, more efficient and implemented at lower costs), better funding (better adapted to needs, easier access, more integrated) and better knowledge (data, best practices / projects, exchange of experience).
A new website has been launched The EU's urban agenda, which enables all stakeholders to contribute to the urban agenda as a whole or to specific partnerships. You are invited to join this community so that you can actively contribute and hear your voice!
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