Urban Case Study/Focus on Action #9: Promoting sustainable and active mobility behaviour, the MoMa.BIZ Project (Urban Mobility, Better Knowledge, Action 6)

The Challenge

Despite being one of the most natural and sustainable forms of transport, walking and cycling are constantly undervalued. Lack of infrastructure, policy support, and resource allocation all create barriers to these forms of public transit.

Even with these systems and infrastructure in place, active mobility is not seen as desirable due to socio-cultural barriers. People are often not aware of the available options, lack motivation and incentives or do not understand the benefits.

For this reason, the Partnership for Urban Mobility analysed several EU funded projects in the hopes of understanding the common approaches and techniques behind the successful cases. The guidance was issued under Action 6 and aims to help local authorities and businesses to create programmes and actions to encourage people to use their cars less and walk more.


Promoting Mobility Behaviour Change with MoMa.BIZ

Industrial areas are not always easy to reach without a car. The Mobility Management for Business and Industrial Zones (MoMa.BIZ) project aims to reduce car usage in these areas by implementing and promoting sustainable mobility.

To achieve this, MoMa.BIZ created guidelines to develop and implement mobility plans, targeted businesses and industrial areas and offered them solutions for supporting more walking, cycling and public transport use.

It followed a planning framework to support companies with mobility behaviour change and created a checklist of indicators that businesses could use to improve their score on sustainable mobility.

This European project is implemented in Business and Industrial Zones (BIZ) located in small and medium towns of 5 European countries (Estonia, Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, UK).


More information

About Action 6 and the New Guidance to inspire more walking

About the Partnership on Urban Mobility

About the Partnership’s Action Plan

Urban Case Study urban mobility MoMa.BIZ sustainable mobility