Urban Academy on Integration

Local authorities are faced with a variety of challenges concerning integration and are required to act quickly to meet the demands and needs of their population. However, they do not always have the necessary expertise to address these issues. Europe is rich in terms of experiences and expertise on integration. Sharing this experience in a systematic way can help to enhance the capacity of local authorities to develop successful integration policies. To serve this purpose, the Partnership established the Urban Academy on Integration. 

The Urban Academy offers a strategic learning environment through thematic modules to share successful (and less successful) experiences and to create networks of peers working on similar issues across Europe. It brings together practitioners and policy-makers working on integration at the local, regional and national level, with a focus on cities.

The Partnership held the first edition of the Academy in April 2018. The two thematic sessions of "Education in Relation to Integration" and "Integration and Working Effectively with Civil Society" were based on an open question format which gave every participant the opportunity to receive an in-depth analysis of their specific context. Based on the positive feedback, an overall conclusion of the first edition was to make the Urban Academy an annual event covering different challenges concerning the inclusion of migrants and refugees. The second edition of the Urban Academy will be organised in spring 2019.

The leader of this action is the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, DG HOME.

More details on this Action can be found in the Action Plan. Read a recap of the first edition of the Urban Academy in April 2018 here

To stay up to date on upcoming editions of the Urban Academy on Integration, please consult thePartnership websiteregularlyDo you have specific feedback or questions on this Action or the Partnership's work? Please contact UA.communication@ecorys.com.

The Partnership has also produced a short video on this Action:

Inclusion of migrants and refugees Action Plan Deliverable integration DG HOME Urban Academy Action MigrationWork Migration Policy Group MPI Europe European Integration Network