Workshop on Sustainable Use of Land & NBS in Europe, EWRC, 14 October 2020


In the context of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020, a workshop on Sustainable Use of Land & NSB in Europe will be held online on the 14 October 2020 from 9:30 to 11:00am.

Thematic cluster: Cohesion and Cooperation

The SUL & NBS Partnership will explain, through the outputs generated during the last 3 years, the development of policies, initiatives, handbooks and guides in the framework of the Urban Agenda for the EU and the Paris Agreement. Green, compact and energy-efficient cities make a key contribution to sustainable growth. They play a crucial role in implementing various projects and initiatives at the European level. The fast pace of urbanisation in Europe is bringing about a number of unprecedented challenges related, inter alia, to the prevention and management of urban sprawl, the promotion of sustainable land-use, the prioritisation of renewal, regeneration and retrofitting of urban areas and the redevelopment of brownfield sites, the provision of high-quality buildings, public space and mobility policies, the protection of urban green areas and the promotion of nature-based solutions. It will be an opportunity to present and discuss some of the specific actions and recommendations proposed.

Registrations are open until 27 September 2020. 

Follow this link to find more information on the session and add it to your calendar. 

Sustainable Land Use European Week of Cities and Regions Cohesion and Cooperation