Privacy meets AI (Open Ethics Series, S01E01)

Privacy meets AI title image

At Open Ethics we are preparing a series of virtual meetups related to the regulatory aspects of AI ethics in EU and globally. The online event on the 23rd of June will be dedicated to the intersection of privacy and machine learning.

Agenda S01E01

  • What's important in GDPR's Article 22 on automated decision-making?
  • Why human-in-the-loop (HITL) computing is the future of machine learning?
  • What is homomorphic encryption and why it matters for AI privacy?
  • What is automated PII Detection and what are the paths to data anonymization?

Open Ethics Series

Open Ethics Series is the chain of educational events around impact of artificial intelligence. The first Series aims to cover the main principles emerging from the broad range of discussions on requirements for development and deployment of AI. The topics will include those that are part of the Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI by European Commission (Privacy & data governance, Human agency & oversight, Robustness & safety, Transparency, Fairness, Societal & environmental well-being, Accountability), as well as additional topics proposed by the community.


If you want to become a partner and contribute to the series, please email


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privacy machine learning Artificial Intelligence transparency data privacy