AI4EU Cafe: EU’s AI Policy & Regulation: How can SMEs and Start-Ups test the trustworthiness of the AI applications


The AI4EU Cafe presents on Feb 17th, 2021, at 3 pm the Speaker 

Olga Hamama (V29 Legal – Duve Hamama Rechtsanwaelte PartG mbB) 

 with her talk on 

“EU’s AI Policy & Regulation: How can SMEs and Start-Ups test the trustworthiness of the AI applications”. 

Brief Description: The European Commission (EC) has defined its approach to AI as one of excellence and trust. One of the three pillars aiming at implementing EC’s Strategy on Artificial Intelligence is the introduction of an appropriate ethical and legal framework. The presentation is going to map the status quo of the European Regulation on AI. While some regulations might be already applicable to the AI applications, there is still some uncertainty with regards to the emerging EU regulations. Addressing the status quo, the presentation will also introduce suggestions on how Start-Ups and SMEs could test the trustworthiness of the AI applications and deal with the uncertainty pending the EU Regulation on AI.


Short Bio: Olga Hamama is an international dispute resolution lawyer with a specific focus on climate change and technology-related matters. Olga acts as arbitrator, (co-)-counsel and is also advising clients on regulatory and policy-related matters regarding artificial intelligence. Olga is a member of the Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center and is AI Legal at the German AI Association.


AI AI4EU Café Trustworthy AI