AI4EU Cafe: Discover how to get up to €10k in the AI4EU Call for Challenges and how EURid uses AI


Talk description: Urszula Sobek from Fundingbox will speak about the founding opportunities that AI4EU can bring to the AI community and European Industry in general. Urszula will introduce the Open Call for Challenges details and explain how to get €10k for solving the challenge with AI.

BIO: Urszula Sobek, Project Manager at Fundingbox Accelerator. Master of Economy by University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, the faculty of European Study (2008). Since 2004, she has been involved in innovation, IT, R&D and startup related projects on national and international scale, obtaining over 30 million Euros for external clients. Currently she works as Project Manager in AI4EU (2019-2021) and ELISE (2020-2022).

How EURid uses AI:

Talk description: Jordi Iparraguirre, Director of Innovation at EURid, will speak on the application of AI in a small company. His presentation will focus on what is EURid, the registry of the .eu Internet domain, doing with artificial intelligence. He will reveal how small and medium-sized companies can also develop and use AI based solutions. He will explain how EURid uses AI to help detecting abuse on the internet or to automatically classify web pages.

Bio: Jordi Iparraguirre is a Computer Science engineer and holds an MBA. He has developed technical and executive functions in different countries for a consumer electronics multinational. Former director of an small Internet domain registry, now, Director of Innovation at EURid, the registry of the .eu domain, he is focused on developing and leading, amongst others, projects around data mining and machine learning.  

AI AI4EU open call