AI4EU Cafe: AIPlan4EU: bringing Automated Planning to practitioners and to the European AI On-Demand Platform


This AI4EU Café will present Andrea Micheli (Researcher in Automated Planning and Scheduling at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)


The talk will introduce and outline the AIPlan4EU project, an H2020 ICT49 initiative focused on making Automated Planning more accessible to a wide variety of users and to bring this technology to the European AI On-Demand Platform; moreover, we will present the cascade funding opportunities offered by our initiative.

In particular, AIPlan4EU will develop a uniform, user-centered framework to access the existing planning technology and will devise concrete guidelines for innovators and practitioners on how to use this technology. Use-cases from diverse application areas will drive the design and the development of the framework, and several available planning systems will be included as engines that can be selected to solve practical problems. All the planning capabilities will be offered through a general and planner-agnostic API that will both be served by the European AI On-Demand Platform and be available as a resource to be integrated into the users' systems. The framework will be validated on use-cases both from within the consortium and recruited by means of cascade funding; moreover, standard interfaces between the framework and common industrial technologies will be developed and made available.


Andrea Micheli is a researcher in Automated Planning and Scheduling at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; his research focuses on the development and technology transfer of planning technologies for the digital industry. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Trento in 2016 with a thesis titled "Planning and Scheduling in Temporally Uncertain Domains" that won several awards (the EurAI Best Dissertation Award, the "Marco Cadoli" prize for Young PhDs, the FBK's best PhD award and a honorable mention at the ICAPS Best Dissertation award). 

Andrea Micheli Photo
AI4EU Café