AI-Cafe: Best practices to address the legal and ethical implications of AI tech for the security sector


The AI-Cafe presents the Speaker: Katherine Quezada-Tavárez  (research associate at the KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP)). 

Description: AI technologies are bringing drastic changes in numerous fields, including the security domain. For instance, emerging solutions such as AI-enabled Augmented Reality (AR) can facilitate the quick and efficient processing of data in real time, thus improving situational awareness in high-stakes decision-making like law enforcement and emergency management. Yet, the huge benefits of AI tech come with downsides, particularly in terms of legal and ethical concerns, as demonstrated by ever-growing research on the ethical, legal and societal aspects of AI. This session explores key challenges associated with AI-enabled systems used in the security sector and provides an overview of measures to mitigate them, based on the best practices and lessons learned across EU-funded security projects like DARLENE (Deep AR Law Enforcement Ecosystem).

-CV: Katherine Quezada-Tavárez is a research associate at the KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP). She is part of CiTiP's cybersecurity law cluster, where she actively participates in EU-funded projects, such as H2020 DARLENE, addressing the legal, human rights and ethical implications of the development and implementation of emerging technologies in the security sector.

Katherine holds a Master of Criminology and Forensic Science from Camilo José Cela University (magna cum laude) and an Advanced Master's in Intellectual Property and ICT Law from KU Leuven (cum laude). She is a member the Ibero-American Network of Young Leaders (RIJL, for its acronym in Spanish), Conecta Iberoamérica and the Women4Cyber community. Her current research interests include privacy, data protection, security, digital forensics, and AI.

Research associate at the KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP)
AI Cafe; AI; AI4media AI; AI4MEDIA; Media
