New URL for webviewer on cross-border public transport services (CBPT)

The URL address of the web-viewer, a platform displaying information on nearly 7,000 cross-border public transport services (CBPT) in border regions, has changed. The old URL address is no longer available.

The viewer can now be accessed via this link.

By clicking on this link and browsing the site, you will get access to detailed information on CBPT along all internal EU borders as well as borders with Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the UK. This includes cross-border rail, bus, ferry and tram services. The search can be filtered by different layers. Additional information that can be found on the platform include the results of the permeability analysis pointing to the relation between CBPT services and latent demand in a border segment, the number of CBPT per border segment and the number of CBPT services per country. 


Cross-Border Public Transports