CBPT study update: More information in web-viewer on cross-border public transport services

The web-viewer displays information on nearly 7,000 cross-border public transport services (CBPT) in border regions along all internal EU borders as well as borders with Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the UK. The information provided includes details on the origin and destination of each service, its line name, operator, stop locations, number of stops and service frequency.

Visit the CBPT collectionhere to see what cross-border rail, bus, ferry or tram services are available in your region. Additional layers complement the information on individual services and provide insights to the overall availability of cross-border public transport:

  • results of the permeability analysis (borders permeability), that indicates the relation between CBPT services and latent demand in a border segment;
  • categorised information on the number of CBPT per border segment (CBPTs All Modes);
  • information on the number of CBPT services per country;
  • you may focus your service selection in the viewer on a specific border area (…within border area);

Please look out for further results as the study is coming to an end yielding a lot of interesting findings.

The image shows the selection of a few additional layers available in the web-viewer, namely the border segment bus and rail services and border permeability.