CBPT study update: Cross-border cooperation structures matter for cross-border public transport

In addition to the transport associations mentioned previously, the study shows potential roles for cross-border cooperation structures, be they Euroregions or EGTCs with euroregional tasks. Typically, these structures do not have the necessary competences for transport, but they do have the networks and the capacity to bring together relevant players to discuss challenges and possibilities to CBPT provision. With the understanding of local needs, this helps to develop CBPT for the benefits of the border regions’ population. Several case studies highlight this role and how this is adapted to the specific needs and frameworks:

  • The EGTC Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai is an important entity for improving the services of the rail link between Lille (France) and Tournai (Belgium). This entity initiates and facilitates processes bringing together key players to, for example, overcome mismatching fare systems. The EGTC organises activities and initiatives in the action group ‘cross-border mobility’ that brings together a large number of stakeholders in the region.
  • The case study on the commercial bus line between Verín (Spain) and Arcos de Valdevez (Portugal) highlights the engagement of the Eurocity Chaves-Verín EGTC within this area in developing a regular bus connection that primarily focuses on local and regional needs. This cross-border entity launched a pilot bus service between the two twin cities to test the conditions for a regular service.
  • The case study on the bus line between the twin cities of Gorizia (Italy) and Nova Gorica (Slovenia) illustrates the role of the EGTC GO, which is set up by the cities of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempeter-Vrtojba. In the framework of the EGTC they initiated steps to integrate the urban transport networks operating in the EGTC GO area which led to first agreements for the entire border territory between Slovenia and Italy.