A New Comprehensive EU Inventory of institutions, processes and tools for Disaster Risk Management in Border Territories (Focus on inventory of tools and processes)

In an era marked by increasing climate challenges and geopolitical complexities, the need for effective Disaster Risk Management (DRM) strategies has become paramount, especially in border territories. Recognising the importance of supporting the strengthening of cooperation and exchange of knowledge in such domain, the European Commission has developed a new robust and comprehensive inventory comprising institutions, processes, and tools dedicated to DRM in these crucial areas.

The inventory was developed in the framework of a recent study on Strengthening the resilience of EU border regions: Mapping risks & crisis management tools and identifying gaps.  The data have been collected by a network of country experts. The result features more than 300 DRM relevant institutions, processes, and tools.

The entries span various categories, with tools taking the lead, closely followed by institutions and working groups. The inventory also encompasses inspiring examples of existing early warning systems and sets of guidelines. Noteworthy additions include action plans, joint exercises, examples of joint planning, and joint protocols. The inclusion of individual examples like atlases, observatories, management plans, and protocols further enriches the repository.

A striking revelation within the inventory is the prevalence of entries that extend their coverage beyond a single border, showing the relevance and added value of cross border cooperation in the management of risks. More than half of the entries indeed cater to multiple borders, reflecting the collaborative nature of many projects, such as those under INTERREG and UCPM. 

As regards the risks addressed by the inventory, a substantial portion deals with multi-risk scenarios, underlining the need for comprehensive strategies. The entries also tackle specific challenges such as flooding, nuclear and radiological risks, among others.

The tools, processes, and institutions are well-distributed across different phases of the DRM cycle. Notably, one-third of the tools focus on the 'preparedness' phase, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures, and offering a rich set of tested examples ready for replication. 

This inventory serves as a comprehensive resource, equipping national regional and other stakeholders involved in DRM with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance their resilience against disasters in border territories.

The creation of this inventory marks a significant stride toward a more coordinated, informed, and effective approach to DRM. By fostering collaboration across borders and providing a wealth of knowledge resources, it empowers Member States to build resilience and safeguard their borders in the face of evolving risks and challenges.

Cross-Border Cooperation DRM