Initiative Group of German Regions in Cross-Border Functional Regions: Final report of the Demonstration Project of Spatial Planning (MORO)

The IMeG (in German "Initiativkreis deutscher Regionen in grenzüberschreitenden Verflechtungsräumen") is a project of the MORO spatial planning research programme of the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) that was carried out between April 2011 and November 2013. The project’s final report was published in December 2013. It promotes the concept of cross-border metropolitan regions along Germany’s borders (the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, Greater Region, Upper Rhine and Lake Constance). It is aimed at players involved in territorial development at the regional, national and European levels, who are urged to take account of this concept in the implementation of cohesion and transport policy, but also at the general public, with a view to promoting greater territorial cohesion. The final report is available in German and in English.

Germany transport mobility evidence and data Upper Rhine Meuse-Rhine institutional matters