EU Border Regions: Living labs of European integration

EU Border Regions: Living labs of European integration
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This new European Commission report gives an overviewof the issues faced by cross-border regions and takes stock of the progress made over the last few years. It presents several examples of good practices, and spells out future developments that will stimulate the recovery of border areas. The report also highlights the need to step up cross-border cooperation on all fronts. 

The report assesses the progress achieved since the Commission released its 2017 Communication  “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions”.  One of the most prominent achievements is the b-solutions initiative, which has helped public authorities identify the root causes of legal or administrative obstacles and explore potential solutions. 

The report proposes to refocus actions around four clusters or thematic areas. For each of them, it describes the current situation and what the Commission is doing or planning to do. The four clusters are: 

  1. Resilience through deeper institutional cooperation 
  1. More and better cross-border public services 
  1. Vibrant cross-border labour markets 
  1. Border regions for the European Green Deal 
institutional matters green deal employment health b-solutions