New cases selected within b-solutions 2.0

In cooperation with the Border Focal Point at the European Commission’s DG REGIO, AEBR has launched b-solutions 2.0 call for proposals to solve legal and administrative obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation along EU borders.  

We are glad to share with you that we have selected new cases which will benefit from the support of b-solutions experts to tackle their border obstacles in the next months . 

Among them, we have: 

  • 3Land-Bridge over the Rhine — the way to the state treaty submitted by Eurodistrict Trinational de Bâle / Trinationaler Eurodistrict Basel

The 3Land project between France, Germany and Switzerland includes the creation of a cross-border bridge dedicated to trams, pedestrians and cyclists between Huningue in France and Basel-Kleinhüningen in Switzerland. This bridge would be an innovative achievement and a step forward for cross-border cooperation in terms of urban, economic and sustainable development. Nevertheless, different rules of competition and construction for the bridge (work permits, tax and customs provisions, border control facilities, etc.) are an impediment to the development of the project.

  • Comparison of water tourism regulations on the Slovakian-Hungarian border submitted by Arrabona EGTC 

​The Danube river and its natural branch system offer outstanding water tourism opportunities along the Hungarian-Slovak border. However, cross-border tourism in this area is currently limited due to different regulations for water hiking between the two countries (e.g. the age-related obligation to use a life jacket, personal conditions for steering watercraft).

  • District heating without borders submitted by GECT Euregio Senza Confini

​Connecting the district heating network across the Italian-Austrian border is not regulated and thus local citizens and business cannot benefit from the commercial exchange of thermal energy. This is due to different interpretations of the legislation and a regulatory opacity on how thermal energy for heating should be transferred and under which taxation system. Clarifying the regulatory scope would enable a cross-border heat exchange, respectful of the environment and promising for the development of new cooperation

You can find detailed descriptions of all the new advice cases on the b-solutions website.

The b-solutions 2.0 call for proposals is open to public bodies and cross-border structures located along EU internal borders, EU-EFTA borders and EU-IPA borders. 

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with immediate implementation.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

We look forward to receiving more cases and enhancing cooperation across borders! 

