b-solutions, a tool to foster cross-border cooperation. Send your application under the third call for proposals!

In mid-July the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) - in cooperation with the Border Focal Point at the EU Commission's DG REGIO - launched the third call for proposals under the initiative b-solutions, a "not to be missed" opportunity for cross-border practitioners. 

Through the analysis of the cases selected in the framework of the previous calls for proposals and included in our first compendium, indeed, we have learned that:

- EU border regions face a great variety of obstacles;

- the legal and administrative factors causing them are many and different;  

- solutions to them must be customised to the specific legal, administrative, institutional, cultural and geographical conditions of each border region. 

This is why public authorities and cross-border structures should not miss the chance to inform us on the difficulties they face in order to receive specialised support!

Each case selected in the framework of the present call for proposals, indeed, will be assigned to an expert who will help to better identify the legal and administrave contraints causing the obstacle(s) and will propose alternative solutions!

If you face hurdles of a legal or administrative nature while cooperating with your neighbours, don't miss this chance, read the call for proposals, send your application and - make of a specific problem a European solution!


Should questions or doubts arise, don't hesitate to contact the b-solutions team at b-solutions@aebr.eu - we will be happy to help! 

bsolutions crossbordercooperation Pilot projects