Take part in the Public consultation on the Green Paper on Aging

Ageing affects every aspect of our lives, throughout our lives. As the current pandemic continues to challenge us, and as we fight to protect lives and livelihoods, we must not lose sight of a remarkable development: never before have so many Europeans enjoyed such long lives. This is a major achievement that is underpinned by the EU’s social market economy.

This trend is having a significant impact on people’s everyday lives and on our societies. It has implications for economic growth, fiscal sustainability, health and long-term care, well-being and social cohesion. In addition, the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on older people – in terms of hospitalisations and deaths - has highlighted some of the challenges an ageing population poses on health and social care. But ageing also provides new opportunities for creating new jobs, fostering social fairness and boosting prosperity, for instance in the ‘silver’ and care economies.

The purpose of this green paper is to launch a broad policy debate on ageing to discuss options on how to anticipate and respond to the challenges and opportunities it brings, notably taking into account the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and UN Decade for Healthy Ageing. Competences for dealing with the effects of ageing are largely in the hands of Member States and the EU is well placed to identify key issues and trends and support action on ageing at national, regional and local level. It can help Member States and regions develop their own, tailor-made policy responses to ageing.


This green paper launches a 12 week public consultation. The Commission will take all contributions into consideration in its future work and provide feedback on the results. We invite you to submit your contribution using the electronic form, which you can find at the following address:


Using the electronic response form will make it easier to process your opinions. However, you can also send a written contribution to the following address:

Green paper on ageing


BERL 06/270

European Commission

1049 Brussels



Life course process
Green Paper on Aging
(958.14 KB - PDF)
Green Paper on Ageing active and healthy aging public consultation