Healthy ageing in the EU: The potential of digital innovation for elderly health and social care.



EUREGHA, the CoR Interregional Group on Health and Well-being,the CoR NAT Commission, DG CNECT and the Diputación Provincial de Lugo (Galicia) are pleased to invite you to the following event, organized in light of the European Week of Regions and Cities:

“Healthy ageing in the EU: The potential of digital innovation for elderly health and social care”

12th October 2021, 9:30 – 11:00 CET

As a part of the EWRC’s Health Day, the workshop aims to gather European institutions, regions and cities, and key stakeholders to foster a debate on the challenges posed by the ageing population process in the European Union, and explore the opportunities of digital transition in improving the quality of life of elderly people, and transforming health and social care systems in light of a ‘healthy ageing-oriented’ approach. High-level representatives of European institutions will pave the way to discuss the implementation of digital solutions for the elderly in the European Union through the contributions of EC’s experts and territorial and EU-funded project experiences.

Moderated by Giovanni Gorgoni, Chair of the European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA)

Speakers include:

  • Dubravka Šuica, European Commissioner for Democracy and Demography;
  • Jarosław Duda, MEP, EMPL Committee, European Parliament;
  • Birgitta Sacrédeus, Chair, Interregional Group on Health and Well-being, European Committee of the Regions;
  • José Tomé Roca, President of the Diputación Provincial de Lugo;
  • Marco Marsella, Head of Unit, eHealth, Well-Being and Ageing, DG CNECT, European Commission;
  • Raluca Painter, Head of Unit, Labour Market, Education, Health and Social Services, DG REFORM, European Commission;
  • Piret Hirv, Project Manager, Innovation Networks for Active and Healthy Ageing (IN-4-AHA).

To register successfully, attendees will be asked first to register their own profile in Swapcard (email, first name, family name, and organisation), if they do not have it. After completing the procedure and logging in, attendees can register for the workshop by clicking on the button “Add to your schedule”. As the event approaches, the connection details will be visible directly from the session on Swapcard.

Agenda and background info
(316.53 KB - PDF)
visual with text: 19th European Week of Regions and Cities, with the title and time of the workshop and logos from European Commission, Committee of the Regions, and EUREGHA