ICT 4 the Elderly

The ICT 4 the Elderly project supports elderly people in up-skilling their digital competences.

The ICT 4 the Elderly project has created a pathway for up-skilling the digital competences of individuals between the age of 55 and 75 and to make them aware of the many opportunities that the Internet offers.

In order to do so, project partners first collected best practices from other successful projects in order to develop a training manual and an online academy. The training manual was supposed to be tested during Feb-June 2020 through training 24 senior participants from four countries in Malta and in Berlin, but Covid-19 interrupted the plan. The project was officially extended for six months and is continuing into 2021.

The Online Academy and all training materials and contents are available here: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ICT4_Elderly.

Partners experiences in three piloting countries are shared on the project website:




digital skills Active Ageing