Dear All,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the WORKSHOP titled “European Blueprint for Sustainable Tourism for Health”, organized by Reference Site Collaborative Network in collaboration with ProMIS, that will take place on June 22nd 2021 from .10.00 to 13.00 (CEST)
The event is the result of a collaboration between Athens Reference Site, on behalf of the RSCN, ProMIS and NET4Age-friendly, and aims to set the ground for developing a shared vision on Tourism for Health, and identify a roadmap to strengthen the Tourism for Health offering by conjugating innovative services and added value activities which can contribute to improving health and wellbeing.
This initiative was born in the framework of the EIPonAHA, in a synergic effort betweenAction Groups A3 and D4, RSCN, SHAFE and ProMIS networks, and is further developing thanks to the collaboration with EUPHA. Such joint approach was shared in the context of the recent 16th World Congress on Public Health, which provided the first opportunity to launch a “Charter” for Tourism for Health.
Sharing different views and experiences on how to define "Sustainable Tourism for Health" is a key step to shape a clear vision driving the collaboration between the health and tourism sectors.
During the workshop, interested stakeholders will share their views on the concepts to develop Tourism for Health as an opportunity for sustainable development, and explore the possibility to join forces in the future also with industrial sectors towards the development of a shared Blueprint, iteratively focusing on different settings (thermal, seaside, mountain, etc.) of implementations.
More info are available at:
Feel free to disseminate the event through your contacts/networks.
Best Regards
The RSCN Team
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