Workshop to tackle the requirements of the AI HLEG guidelines for trustworthy AI

I would like to share with you a really interesting workshop which should be held in the end of March, 2020.

As a reminder, the European Comission, through the AI HLEG independent group, released the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence:

In this report, the AI HLEG introduces 7 key requirements to achieve trustworthy AI.

For those who don't know, requirements have a field of study called Requirements Engineering (RE). This field exists since more than 40 years and covers all the life cycle of requirements: discovery, validation, modeling, negotiation, storage and retrieval, prioritization, and verification that the final product fulfils the requirements.

In the next iteration of REFSQ, one of the main research conferences in RE, a new workshop called RE4AI is introduced:

It aims at helping dealing with the requirements aspects in AI projects and is directly inspired from the AI HLEG guidelines for trustworthy AI (the topics of the workshop is directly inspired from the seven key requirements identified by the guidelines).

Consequently, I kindly invite you to participate in this event, which will be held in Pisa (Italy), from 24th to 27th of March, 2020. It can be an interesting event to see what RE can offer and to advocate for the European needs in terms of AI.

More information on the whole REFSQ event here:

Hope to see you there.

Italy research conference Trustworthy AI requirements engineering


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Υποβλήθηκε από τον χρήστη Sachin GAUR στις Σάβ, 25/01/2020 - 08:21

Dear Matthieu,


Is there a way to get invite. I have been run in past several consultations on AI for healthcare and also masterclasses for AI in Healthcare. Let me know if there is a way to contribute.

Often people wonder for assesment of training data before they build AI from a requirements point of view. Healthcare is sensitive compared to other domains when it comes to ethics and other important aspects. So, specifying requirements frameowork early on will help. 


Best Regards 


Υποβλήθηκε από τον χρήστη Matthieu Vergne στις Σάβ, 25/01/2020 - 13:57

Hi Sachin,

Indeed, early requirements elicitation is a well known issue in RE. You will surely find people who can share on that matter in the whole conference. Healthcare is also a recurrent domain in this field, so you will surely find stuff you can relate to.

The submissions to the conference (including the workshop) are closed, so it is too late for a paper contribution, but the conference is public. Anyone can register to be part of the audience, as long as they pay the registration fee (details below). By registering, you can listen to (and get all the PDFs of) what is presented, ask questions, and build your network during breaks and conference events.

You can find the publications of the previous REFSQ conferences here to get an idea of what is presented, although it only shows the published content, not what has been discussed after each presentation and during breaks:

If you are interested, you can find the registration details on the REFSQ website:

The early bird registration fee (~13% cheaper) is until February 26, so you have until that time to check whether the program pleases you and still benefit from the reduction. After that, you will have to pay the full registration.

Hope it answers your question.