Discover emerging technologies with Digital SkillUp online courses

In the digital world, the future of work as well as our daily lives, are defined by emerging technologies. New technological solutions come with a wide range of opportunities for innovation and growth, but they bring some challenges too.

Digital SkillUp has been created to help you keep up with emerging technologies and learn how to make the most of them in both professional and personal context. Developed in collaboration with the EU’s Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, Digital SkillUp guides you through the complexities of emerging technologies in an easy and accessible way – no matter your age, profession or ICT experience. Its three online courses available in 10 EU languages explain all you need to know about the digital revolution, key technologies and cybersecurity. Thanks to hundreds of additional training opportunities gathered in the Digital SkillUp Course Catalogue, you will be able to boost your digital skills and knowledge even further. 

Don’t wait – begin your learning journey and give yourself a head start into the future.

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