Empowering Communities through Renovation: Highlights from Lisbon's CLR Event

October's Citizen-led Renovation (CLR) event in Lisbon brought stakeholders from across Europe together to explore solutions for community-led renovation projects. Over two days, participants shared experiences, tackled challenges, and brainstormed ways to strengthen community engagement.

Event Highlights:
🛠️ Interactive Group Activity:

  • Challenges: Addressed financial, legal, and knowledge barriers with ideas like simplifying regulations and engaging local municipalities.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Focused on building networks, using social hubs, and creating accessible resources.
  • Community Engagement: Discussed motivations like financial savings, comfort, and cultural preservation, with tips like open-house events to showcase project benefits.

💡 Vision Boarding with Mentimeter: Communities mapped aspirations, challenges, and milestones, building roadmaps for their renovation journeys with the help of Single Points of Contact (SPOCs).

💶 Funding Opportunities Workshop: Led by GoParity, participants explored grants, green loans, and crowdlending platforms to finance energy projects. Public-private partnerships and municipal guarantees also took the spotlight!

📱 Social Media Workshop: Steinbeis Europa Zentrum shared practical tips on enhancing online presence, including SMART goals, platform strategies, and engaging content frameworks.

💬 The event highlighted the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in driving the energy transition. Stay tuned as we continue to support communities in building a greener, more sustainable future!

People standing in a circle discussing
Empowering Communities and Putting Citizens in the Driver's Seat for Energy Renovations
(1.4 MB - PDF)