The contribution of the European Territorial Cooperation to the development of rail mobility

The contribution of the European Territorial Cooperation to the development of rail mobility
(3.62 MB - PDF)

2021 is the European Year of Railways, an initiative which has been strengthened by the work of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) projects. Railways are an important element of the European Green Deal as they can play a major role in reducing emissions from transport, a sector that counts for 25% of CO2 emissions in the EU.

A report shows how ETC-funded projects covering Italy aim to improve the management of rail services. These projects have:

  • identified pilot actions for the improvement of rail transport
  • identified guidelines and/or action plans; analysed elements of transferability of good practices
  • integrated pricing systems
  • recommended services such as bike sharing and/or complementary services to rail transport.
transport institutional matters


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Υποβλήθηκε από τον χρήστη Frédéric Siebenhaar στις Πέμ, 29/04/2021 - 14:34

Railways are at the core of the climate-friendly european integration across borders, but a lot of promising missing links are still not part of the TEN-T comprehensive network and thus excluded from the CEF.