EU Digital Decade: From Targets to Enforcement


One year after the launch of the EU Digital Decade Targets in March 2021, ETNO invites you to join an event organized under the high patronage of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The EU Digital Decade targets outline the main digital ambitions to be achieved in Europe by 2030 in the field of digital skills, digital infrastructure, digitization of public services and digital transformation of businesses. Meanwhile, the roll-out of 5G and FTTH networks is speeding up across Europe, providing the essential backbone to accelerate an inclusive implementation of the targets.

One year into the debate on the EU Digital Decade targets, we propose to address some key questions on how to shift from targets to enforcement: How is Europe progressing in the implementation of the objectives? What are the opportunities and obstacles to the implementation? What are the main challenges in applying the targets at European and national level, from a policy and regulatory viewpoint? What are the best practices identified so far both at EU and national level?


[10.00 – 10.15] Introduction

  • Mathieu Weill, Head of Digital Economy Department, Economics Ministry, France

[10.15 – 11.10  Keynote Panel] EU targets, national realities: a view from Member States

  • Emmanuel Gabla, Member of the College, ARCEP
  • Marzia Minozzi, Head of Legal and Regulation, Assotelecomunicazioni
  • Michel Combot, Director, Fédération Française des Télécoms
  • Janet Zaharieva, Chief Regulatory Adviser to the Managing Board, VIVACOM

Moderated by Luca Bertuzzi, Digital & Media Editor, EURACTIV

[11.10 – 12.00 – Keynote Panel] From EU targets to their enforcement: which next steps?

  • Rita Wezenbeek, Director Connectivity, DG CONNECT, European Commission
  • Annemarie Sipkes, Chair, BEREC
  • Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO

Moderated by Luca Bertuzzi, Digital & Media Editor, EURACTIV

[12.00-12.10] Conclusions

The event will bring together leading policy makers, regulators, civil society and business representatives. Speakers will explore the European angle as well as the Member States’ perspective on how to successfully implement the digital targets.

The language of the event is French for the Introduction and Conclusions, English for the panels.

This event is part of the events calendar of the French Presidency of the EU

More information here

digital decade digital compass ETNO