The age of big data and smart city technologies provides city governments with an unprecedent potential for data-driven decision-making. Helping cities to realise the potential of city data is a core commitment of the European Commission and embedded in the European policy framework.
Urban Innovative Actions and the work conducted in the context of the Urban Agenda for the EU by the Digital Transition and Culture/Cultural Heritage Partnerships have been translating this policy into action. A growing number of EU projects and actions have been launched in the framework of these two flagship EU initiatives which promote sustainable urban development.
Organised under the Productive dimension on the New Leipzig Charter, the third article of our series covers some of these initiatives, focusing attention on how they have embedded technological advancements into city governance structures to unleash the transformative power of city data.
Discover how technical developments and governance frameworks can align by downloading the article!

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- Series of articles sustainable urban development article 3 Digital transition Culture/Cultural Heritage New Leipzig Charter Productive City Dimension

This is a useful article Patricia. I hope we will be able to continue the work on the digital transformation also within the next generation urban policy.
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