Taking forward its extended mandate, the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) met again last Wednesday, the 2nd of October, to discuss the progress made with its new deliverables.
Deliverable 3 aims to refine the Assessment List of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI (Deliverable 1). This deliverable is already building on the feedback provided through the ongoing “Piloting Process”:
- A series of in depth interviews are conducted with entities applying Trustworthy AI in a variety of use cases across sectors. A total of 50 interviews are planned for the following month. These interviews will provide the AI HLEG with a direct overview of the specific difficulties and implications faced during the application of the Assessment List in various fields of application.
- Over 100 submissions to our questionnaire, thoroughly going through the entire assessment list, via targeted questions, have undergone a preliminary analysis. Entities that receive an email with a link to the survey right after their registration for the piloting are expected to provide their input as early as possible and no later than by 1 December 2019.
- Trustworthy AI practitioners are sharing their best practices with the European AI Alliance, which aims to create a strong community of exchange on Trustworthy AI. The relevant section, serves as a depository of written feedback and is directly relayed back to the AI HLEG.
Deliverable 4 will take the 33 horizontal Policy and Investment Recommendations for Trustworthy AI and discuss them in light of a variety of sectors relevant to the European Union. AI is context specific and different recommendations may benefit from refinement when implemented in different sectors. In its last meeting, the AI HLEG selected Healthcare and Manufacturing as two highly relevant sectors to incorporate the recommendations and provide specific guidance on their implementation. Until the next meeting, the experts will work on the preparation of a working method for Deliverable 4.
The AI HLEG will meet again in Brussels, on the 5th of November 2019.
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Considering the limited representation of the health sector within the HLEG it will be crucial to have an open and transparent process that involves all interested stakeholders.
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