The role of cities in the digital transition of public administrations

The Urban Agenda for the EU was published during the Dutch Presidency on 30 June 2016, with one of the priority themes of the Working Programme on 'Digital Transition': 'The objective is to provide better public services to citizens and create business opportunities. The focus will be on: data collection (including ownership), better use of open data, data management (including the capacity of citizens, Urban Authorities and privacy issues) and digital services (incl. new technologies) and accessibility of digital public services to disabled and elderly citizens (in accordance with international WCAG 2.0 standards).'

Is your urban authority / local public administration active any of these areas? What role can cities play in pursing the objectievs of the eGovernment Action Plan?

eGovernment SmartCities


Profile picture for user ahalmos
Von Andrea Halmos am Di., 28/03/2017 - 10:50

The Digital Transition Partnership is currently in its establishment phase and held its kick-off meeting on 16 and 17 February 2017 in Oulu (Finland). Upcoming meetings will deal with the setup of the working groups. You can follow their activities here:

Antwort auf von Andrea Halmos

Profile picture for user ahalmos
Von Andrea Halmos am Mi., 10/05/2017 - 14:09

The Orientation Paper of the Digital Transition Partnership is now available here:

Digitalisation on the topics of eGoverment and Urban Planning can have a significant effect on transforming urban governance to fit the 21st century’s needs. The creation of digital services to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and improving the quality of life of people is at the core of the focus of the partnership.


Profile picture for user ahalmos
Von Andrea Halmos am Do., 31/08/2017 - 13:55

On June 7-8, the second meeting of the Partnership on Digital Transition took place in Sofia (Bulgaria). The event brought together members and new partners to focus on the progress of the existing working groups: eGovernance, Future Health, Data standardization, Future learning, Business models, Urban planning, and 5G and other KETs.

All of them presented the results of their work in three axes: better knowledge, better funding and better regulation. In each case, a matrix of identified bottlenecks, good practices and current and proposed actions was discussed.

The next meeting of the Digital Transition Partnership will take place in Helsingborg on 6-8 September 2017. Work is progressing well; the finalisation of the first draft action plan is foreseen by mid-September.