Survey on Action 6: Developing guidance for architectural and spatial design (security by design)

About the survey

In the framework of the Urban Agenda for the European Union (EU), the Security in Public Spaces Partnership has conceived a survey to collect information about the current security by design approaches that EU cities and regions put in place.

The Partnership wants to collect good practices to valorise the activities of cities and regions in this domain. The collected data will be translated into a hands-on guidance leaflet, illustrated by concrete actions and projects of cities.

City officials (urban planners, territorial development managers, prevention services, and local law enforcement officials), but also academics and other professionals active in this field are encouraged to fill in the questionnaire.

Filling in the questionnaire should not take longer than 20 minutes of your time. All data will be anonymized, your written consent will be asked when the Partnership would like to use your input to illustrate good practice.

Participate in the survey here!

Action 6 survey