Attributes of a self-description for an application

Full ID:



Simpl shall provide an application catalogue that considers at least the following information:
•    Unique identifier
•    Title
•    Description 
•    Application package
•    Application link
•    Version
•    Creation date
•    Last update date
•    License
•    Price (free, under cost)
•    Application Provider
•    Keywords
•    Contact point (who to contact in case of questions/issues)
•    Language (of the metadata, like the title, description)
•    Access policy (to define who can access the application)
•    Usage policy (to define how an application can be used)
•    Format under which the application is distributed (e.g. docker image, executable package, ...). Might be more than one format available for the same application.
•    Target users
•    Requirements on the runtime environment (useful for the deployment in the infrastructure provider)
•    URL or file of the documentation on how to use the application



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