European AI Alliance Arrangement 18jun2018 EESC AI Stakeholder Summit (Brussels) A European Strategy for Artificial Intelligence The European Economic and Social Committee, together with the European Commission, will organise…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 09jul2018 CEPS Task Force on Artificial Intelligence - Second meeting - July 9, Brussels CEPS launched a Task force to try to bring the AI debate to a concrete discussion of outstanding ethical, governance and policy challenges. The…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 06sep2018 Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Finance (3rd European COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland) We would like to welcome you to the «3rd COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland» on Artificial Intelligence in Industry and…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 26sep2018 A Global Civic Debate on Governing the Rise of Artificial Intelligence Dear Members of the European AI Alliance, The Future Society has the pleasure to invite you to the European Parliament on September 26…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 18-19okt2018 Human Architecture: "Data to the People." Data and Artificial Intelligence for the relationships between large events and cities. What is the impact of a global event like the Architcture Biennale on the City of Venice? Which digital traces do people and organizations leave…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 03-04dec2018 ICT 2018 Conference The conference programme of the 2018 edition will feature 6 plenary sessions on topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Next Generation Internet,…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 29jan2019 AUTOMATING SOCIETY - Launch of the Report by AlgorithmWatch | European Parliament AUTOMATING SOCIETY - Taking Stock of Automated Decision-Making in the EU A report by AlgorithmWatch in cooperation with Bertelsmann…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 29jan2019 Workshop in the EP "What kind of robot do we want coming in our home? EU-China perspectives" Workshop hosted by MEP Mady Delvaux (S&D, Lux) Registration by e-mail to before Friday 25/01 12h00. …
European AI Alliance Arrangement 12feb2019 Bahrain Personal Data Protection Law - Webinair DataGuidance and DLA Piper will host a complimentary webinar focusing on the new and highly significant Bahrain Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL)…
European AI Alliance Arrangement 28feb2019 AI Law & Ethics Conference: Through the looking glass of AI platforms: Between global governance and techno-regulation? Short Description The KU Leuven Center for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) and Imec, the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and…