Green Week 2018: Interview with Mauro Gil-Fournier from Estudio SIC VIC on the MARES de Madrid project

Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy is also one of the priority themes of Urban Innovative Actions (UIA). The programme MARES de Madrid is in the scope of this priority theme. 

During EU Green Week 2018 (May 2018, Brussels), the Communication Team of the Urban Agenda for the EU Technical Secretariat interviewed Mauro Gil-Fournier, architect and moderator of Estudio SIC and VIC, about MARES de Madrid.

Watch the interview by clicking on the photo below (opening YouTube video):


“[MARES de Madrid] is a process of urban innovative transformation for social economy. MARES is an acronym of ‘Mobility’, ‘Alimentación (Food)’, ‘Recycling’, ‘Energy’, and ‘Social and Care Economy’ […] One of the most innovative aspects of the project is the mixture of innovative sectors in different territories within the city […] This process is helping citizen initiatives to be active […] MARES began with five sectors and four districts but we have twenty-one in the city and a lot of topics to be discussed about in the upcoming years.”   

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Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy UIA Urban Innovative Actions interview madrid mares de madrid Mauro Gil-Fournier Estudio SIC VIC