Showcase your efforts in the Air Quality Code of Good Practices!

The Urban Partnership on Air Quality main objective is to improve air quality in cities and bring the ‘healthy city’ higher on the local, national and EU agendas as part of the Urban Agenda. ​As part of their work, the Partnership is developing a Code of Good Practices that aims to provide guidance and inspiration to cities drafting and implementing air quality plans

If you wish to get to enhance the visibility of your City’s commitment to Air Quality and to improve air quality and the health of your citizens, then this is your chance to see your best air quality measures showcased in the Code together with other outstanding examples of successful practices from all over Europe. To participate you must:

  • Send a short description of your best air quality measure(s), indicating those that are being or have been implemented at city/metropolitan level as well as if they are/have been carried out with support/initiative/contribution of Region and National Authorities;
  • Draft in English, one A4 format page (images included), using the template available here;
  • If possible, provide information and data about impact or effectiveness in terms of air quality improvement achieved;
  • If possible, indicate if your Air Quality measure(s) refer respectively to an existent City Air Quality Plan (art. 23 of Dir.2008/50/EC), to a Short Term Action Plan (Art. 24 Dir.2008/50/EC) or to a City Air Quality Strategy, and specify the corresponding web link.

The deadline for submission of practices is July 31st. The Code of Good Practices for Air Quality Plans will be presented at a special event in Brussels on the next 10th of October, during the European Week of Regions and Cities.

For any queries, please contact

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strategy cities Air Quality EWRC good practices European Week of Regions and Cities Code