1 - Setup of Dataspace: Role of Governance Authority


Vytvořil uživatel Luis Carlos BU… dne Po, 25/03/2024 - 14:33

The description of this HLR could be more descriptive. SIMPL will provide the tools to set up a Data space including the creation of roles with different permission on it.

In reply to by Luis Carlos BU…

Vytvořil uživatel Eline Lincklae… dne St, 03/04/2024 - 17:33

Agreed, the current description is still quite superficial and doesn't yet provide information on the role the Governance Authority will have in setting up a data space. Interested to know more about the corresponding L1 and L2 requirements when they are shared.

In reply to by Luis Carlos BU…

Vytvořil uživatel Johan van Wyk dne Po, 08/04/2024 - 11:12

Thanks for your engagement and contribution. We're busy across teams preparing to review contributions and update requirements, including a changelog. We'll share details once ready and review this comment per process.