Responsible AI by Design

Dear all,

I am working on a methodological approach to implementing AI Principles into an organization. Most of us agree about the concerns of AI (e.g. unfair, bias, undesired discrimination, black box algorithms, etc). However, I know of little work that takes this a step further to actually implement this into large organizations in the same sense as Privacy by Design, or Security by Design. I have seen some presentations of Accenture, but not much more. Any hints?

Thank you very much,

-- Richard 


Vytvořil uživatel Anonymous (neověřeno) dne Po, 08/10/2018 - 18:07

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Vytvořil uživatel Pawel RZESZUCINSKI dne Čt, 01/11/2018 - 15:55

I think you may also find interesting recent paper by IBM, where they propose a Supplier's Declarations of Conformity for AI services. Concrete and focused. Definitely a way to go for the industry.

In reply to by Pawel RZESZUCINSKI

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Vytvořil uživatel Richard Benjamins dne Pá, 02/11/2018 - 08:42

Thank you. I already saw this document, and it is indeed a good overview for when dealing with AI suppliers. I am incorporating parts into our Responsible AI methodology.

I also found this, which is useful.


Kind regards,

-- Richard